Noelene, during one of those mice plagues, we stayed in a motel in Bathurst
(for the non- Australians, Bathurst is a quite large city a couple of hours
drive west of Sydney).   All evening our eldest son, then aged about 15, kept
driving us mad by saying "there's a mouse.....there's a mouse".  I put it down
to his trying to scare his younger siblings.    However, after we put them to
bed in the other room, we settled down with a quiet cuppa - and lo and behold,
there *was* a mouse!

So this picture of righteous indignation, complete with *beautiful* English
accent, marched down to the owner of the motel to complain.  He provided me
with a mouse-trap and cheese, which didn't really placate me....I was horrified
to find a mouse in a top-class motel.

I'll cut the long story short - suffice to say I didn't sleep at all during the
night - we caught three mice, and heard many others scratching around inside
the wall cavities in both our rooms, and I've absolutely refused to stay in
that motel ever since!   

Needless to say, the manager blamed it all on the mouse plague, but our friends
who live in Bathurst (and who live on a 5 acre block on the outskirts of town,)
were adamant that *they* hadn't had trouble with mice coming in from the
fields, so didn't understand why the motel in the centre of town should claim
to do so!!

Ruth Budge (Sydney, Australia)

W & N Lafferty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:Chat about squirrels scambering
about, and David's reference to grey Koalas
(which are few and far between) brought to mind the grey mice plagues that
infest our wheat growing areas in Australia some years. Makes me shudder to
think of them.

And the only grey things that invaded my garden (before I closed the enormous
iron gate every night) were over a metre high grey kangaroos looking for
something to eat - now we've finally had a bit of rain, they've gone bush

Noelene in Cooma

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