Gentle Spiders and others,

The University Film Club, as it so often does, delivered another delightful morsel over the past weekend (for free... W&L, while *asking* for donations, doesn't really need them; most of those who can afford to attend the U are not short of a buck <g>).

If "Good Bye, Lenin!" (Wolfgang Becker, director; Germany 2003) is available in your neck of wood, I highly recommend you see it.

In US, it's rated R for some reason (the copy I saw was in German, with English subtitles, and there was no difficulty at all in learning what "scheise" means, but, otherwise, it was as as clean as could be), but, IMO, the only restriction is *personal*... If you're outside US, it's suitable for all ages, above 15 (above 10, if you happened to grow up in Eastern Europe <g>). If you're within US, it's suitable for everyone over 45 *and* for those younger ones who have some idea of what'd happened in the world (*doesn't* equal US, surprise <g>) 10-15 yrs ago (yes, I know; the problem of attention span... Sigh...). The audience reflected it admirably - about 4 grey-haired ones for every double-hormoned viewer :)

Discarding the program notes (too much to try and retype), what the story boils down to is the delicate balance between love (son for mother, for most of the film) and deception which stems from same. Long - 121 minutes - but funny and serious and and tender all at the same time, with excellent acting thrown in as a bonus. Go see it, or rent a CD.
Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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