Hello everyone,

I think I'm few days late for the discussion, but felt I need to comment this 

I have been reading with a strange feeling your writings where you give the 
impresson that mittens are for children only. I wear mittens daily during 
winter time. I feel they are much warmer and nicer than gloves. (I do wear 
gloves during early spring and late autumn when it is not that cold.) Margot 
from Halifax made my ideas of why you think so seem to be true. Most of you do 
not have it cold enough. :) 

>From Margot Walker:
>As someone who grew up in northern Canada, the reasons we wore mittens 
>as children, and still wear mittens occasionally as adults are

>From Margery Allcock:
>also the woolly kind worn by old men (including DH <G>) with just the
>fingertips missing, for fiddly work in the cold.

>From Jean Nathan:
>I had a pair of knitted gloves which had an extra bit attached at the back
>of the base of the fingers that could be pulled over the fingers to make
>them into mittens. Really warm when it was very cold because of the two

Here in Finland (and very propably somewhere else too) a combination of the 
above two is worn not by old men only but by many who need to do something with 
their fingers outside during winter time. They are very practical because you 
have the feeling of what you are doing and they keep your hands warm when you 
are not working with fingers. (Thank you Jean for explaining the thing. With my 
English skills I would have had hard time to do it myself.)

And to Weronika I would like to say that it is possible to make good snowballs 
with mittens as well. At least I have been thrown with many good snowballs made 
with mittens on. Do not ask for instructions, I myself did not care about how 
good the balls were as long as I was able to throw them where ever I wanted. :)

Merry Christmas for every one.

Outi, in southern Finland where we do not have it that cold or snowy at the 

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