Edith wrote:
>The thing that strikes me most about this whole 'letter' is the old, old 
trick politicians have of dehumanising people who oppose them.  It's far 
easier to belittle, mistreat, ignore, torture and kill someone who I believe 
is a lesser being than me.
If we believe that  all people are equal (without any necessity of 
mentioning any special groups or categories), it becomes impossible to do 
the appalling things that happen all over the world.
You may think I'm dreaming of the impossible.  Try starting to live this way 
where you are now, amongst those people you have contact with.

Having just spent 3 days at work doing what we call "stock maintenance", which
consists of looking through all the itmes that were returned by people or found 
the library and have somehthing wrong with them, I am inclined to say :
 If we all started by repecting other people's property, instead of cutting out
recipes instead of photocopying them, writing phone numbers on pages just 
they happen to be handy at the time, or rude messages because it's funny, or we
don't agree with the writer on a point, extinguishing our cigarettes or 
spilling our
drink on the library book; reaping off pages because they have pretty pictures, 
the teacher wants us to illustrate an assignment,or we need a piece of paper to
write something down; scratching CDs and DVDs and pulling videos out of the 
before they stop; trhrosing library books in the b(dirty) boot of the car and
leaving them to soak in grease and water for a few days, and then sneaking them
through the night chute so that no-one can reproach us verbally, masturbating 
in the
library and hiding the result inside the pages of a new book (yes! it's happened
here!! imagine how we felt when we found it!!!)  

When we all stop doing those things, then we might be ready to look at more
important things, like getting on with other human beings....

Yours, sad and furious after throwing away many nearly new books, videos, CDs,
magazines and DVDs,
Helwne, the froggy from Melbourne

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