On Jan 20, 2005, at 3:39, Jean Nathan wrote:

My MIL [...] has never sat on the seat of a toilet *anywhere*, not even in her own
home "because you don't know what you'll catch". She has always adopted "the
stance". She won't believe that advice was put about as a result of men away
from home catching 'something' (too many to list) and then saying they
caught it from a toilet seat.

I was also taught to assume "the stance" in public toilets with the same rationalization - "you never know what you'll catch". Believed it, too, until the day I heard a comedy program on the radio one Sunday. One of the questions was: "Dear Mr Rumian, Can one catch a VD from a toilet seat?" The answer was: "Dear Mrs Kowalski, It might be possible, but if you contact me privately, I might be able to suggest more enjoyable ways of catching it".

During the ensuing discussion with my Mother I was told that, indeed, "the more enjoyable ways" were more likely to be the culprit, but that the public toilets were so gross (which, they were) I should probably not only avoid sitting down there but touching anything more than I had to. And so I continued with the stance, but not at home and not in private houses, and not - perversely - in various hotel and motel rooms...

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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