To my English Secret Pal
Thank you for your packet which arrived, feeling rather dizzy, yesterday after
a 6 day crossing of the world!!!!  DH bought it down to me at work again after
his lunch at home yesterday.  We live in a small town and he comes home for
lunch most days.... I can't leave my work to do the same :-(.

The bobbin is exquisite, and the material/colour combination is stunning...
such a show piece on any pillow. The stationery will be well used, as will the
bath crytals. Hmmm Lavender again, yummy!  The wee book gave us several
laughs, and will be shared with all and sundry. The  frame is so dainty, and
the noteholder is cute... will be used for the
reminder notes we often write to each other! Too many Craft moments in our
house!(Can't Remember A Flipping Thing)  The silk is so luxurious... I will
have to have a special project to use that in......  the mind is going into
overdrive already as to how I may use it!

Once again, Many thanks,
Maxine in N.Z.

P.S. DH says I am like a child at a birthday party when I get your package!!
Nothing is so strong as gentleness.  Nothing as gentle as real strength.
                   St Francis de Sales

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