To My Secret Pal,

I am so sorry for the delay in sending to you - we were away for a fortnight
in the Lake District, so the package had to be picked up from the Post Office
on our return - and Monday was a Bank Holiday, so couldn't be picked up till

However - I am delighted, once again!   The bobbin case is lovely - and as I
was contemplating sorting out some of my stash of material to make another, it
came just at the right time, as I can make more lace now, not bobbin cases!

The chocolates received the seal of approval from the four grandchildren!   (I
managed to sneak a few too, and as chocolate covered peanuts are my
favourites, they went down very well indeed.)   The pin and the cloisonne bell
are both delightful, so I am a very fortunate person indeed!

The socks - I love them!    They will be worn a lot, believe me!   We have
wood and tile floors in our house, and I tend to wear socks as slippers, but
these will now be abused like that - they will be worn with shoes, so that
they don't get more holey than righteous, too quickly!

I am so looking forward to knowing who you are - this time, I really haven't
any idea, but I love hearing your news and reading the cards.   I expect you
were so disappointed at not being able to go to the Kylie Minogue concert - I
am sure we all wish her every success with the treatment, and hope that she'll
be back fit and well, and performing very soon.

I know what you mean when you say you want to spend as much time as you can
with your Dad. I still have both my parents - in fact we spent the fortnight
in the Lake District with them - and they only live in the next county, about
two hours away, but even so, I think we all feel we don't see enough of each

However - many thanks indeed for the May package, and I shall look forward to
knowing just who you are this month.

All best wishes,


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