Moving to chat; don't know if Dianne is on it, hence the double header.

I believe the airlines may now be receivng more health claims from handlers and are cracking down on our heavy bags. Just a note, I regularily lift my bag into the car going to and from the airport. So, as a woman, what does this mean for 'the weaker sex'.

So do I, and you should have seen me - 5'2", 100lb - dragging two oversized suitacases, on-board bag and pocketbook up a staircase (Denmark), never mind various trains etc. Just the other day DH remarked: "you sure as hell are *strong*; never would have thought, looking at you". But... It's always a one time effort; I'd never sign up for an 8hr shift of doing the same thing; I'd head straight for the hospital :)

Tamara P Duvall                  
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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