Tamara wrote:

>People will use phrases like "he was nice to my mother and I" and it 
>flies right past the editor's eagle eye (I've been re-reading 25 
>years' worth of Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine for the past couple 
>of months and gasping at some of the worst offences).

The rule I learned was "which word would you use if your mother hadn't been
there?"  So "He was nice to I" would sound wrong, as would "Me went to the

Oh, and I learned proper grammar, punctuation, and spelling at school (in
the 40s and 50s) even if they have all worn off a bit now <G>; and when I
took up Latin all of that grammar came in useful and made more sense.

BFN, Margery.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] in North Herts, UK 

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