On May 2, 2006, at 18:55, Martha Krieg wrote:

I don't know ... but I have two more candidates:

My childhood pediatrician, Dr. Hendershot, and a chiropractor's office in Canton, Ohio, with the placard "Tarzan and Treat" - I always wondered if it was swinging on the vines that made the Treat-ment necessary.

And Robin Panza (who's not on chat, but to whom I also sent the question) said:

I don't know of a term for it, but I used to collect examples of
scientitsts who fit their work.  That was *before* I started studying
birds.  One of my favorites was the development of "The Social
Carnivore Theory" of human evolution by Lionel Tiger and Robin Fox.
Lions are social carnivores, but tigers and foxes aren't social and
Robins (excluding myself) aren't carnivores.

I like that story :)

As for the term, there seem to be so many, it looks like there isn't one... here's another one, which came privately:

I'm not sure if this is an "official" word, but I've heard it called an aptonym. apt=apt, nym=name

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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