I think the strangest place I meet a lacemaker was way out in the outback, miles from anywhere up in the vast North of Oz.

There was a small caravan park on the edge of the road where we pulled in for the afternoon/night, as it was too far to travel to the next place (which was why this tiny park was there!!) Anyway, I sat under the only tree (??Tree - well for want of a better name for it!!!) for miles and got out my travel pillow, and got busy. The next caravan to pull in after us disgorged a lady who rushed over to see the Lacemaking! Hmmm! "an Educated person!!" I thought - and low and behold she was a lacemaker from Canberra, - Way down south - like me!!! We travelled about 2000 km to meet!!! :)

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz
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