A man was visiting a farm to do business with the farmer. They were sat in the lovely big, warm farmhouse kitchen when the door opened and in walked a pig with a wooden leg. The visitor burst out laughing. The farmer asked him why he was laughing and the man said that he had never seen a pig with a wooden leg before and continued to laugh.

The farmer got very annoyed, turned on the man, saying "How dare you laugh at my pig. He is a very brave pig. He saved my life, you know." The man asked how this had happened. The farmer explained, "Well, it was like this. I was in my barn, up in the hay loft, when I accidentally kicked over the oil lamp. It fell over the edge down into the barn, landing in some straw and setting fire to it. In my haste to get out of the barn, I fell down the ladder and broke my leg. The pig came into the barn, saw me, grabbed hold of my collar and dragged me out of the barn. He saved my life. He is a very brave pig."

The visitor said, "And that was how he lost his leg then."

"No", said the farmer, "but you don't eat a brave pig like that all in one go."

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK
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