My husband has five sisters and two younger brothers. 
Since one brother is only a little older than my sons,
the title of "uncle" is not always used. 

 Anyway, being that my older son, when small, saw his
five aunts more often than his other uncle, he was in
the habit of using the title "aunt."  Thus, when he
did see his uncle, he was also called "aunt."  

As a teacher, my students call me "Mrs. Sylvie."  I've
been known by that for so long that I've haven't had
any luck getting them to call me by my last name, as
other US teachers are.  But, then I don't mind. 
Outside of my workplace, I do not use "Mrs."  

Among my husband's family and my family members, about
half of the women have changed their last names. 
Others use combinations of last names, as I tend to
do. I never write all of my names, as I have too many.

Sylvie A. Roy Nguyen (there are more)
Cherry Valley, IL, USA

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