Oddly enough, although the external address by convention is Mr. and Mrs., I 
was taught on the inside greeting line to put the woman first, as in 
Mr. and Mrs. John Doe
123 First St.
Anywhere, MI

but  Dear Sarah and John, ....

> From: Tamara P Duvall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: 2006/08/31 Thu AM 12:27:23 EDT
> To: chat Arachne <lace-chat@arachne.com>
> Subject: [lace-chat] Re: names
> On Aug 30, 2006, at 13:28, Janice Blair wrote:
> > When I write to married female friends I never use a title and much 
> > prefer just the plain name and I don't care if it upsets anyone,
> Send them on; won't upset me at all :)
> > [...] but my Christmas cards always are addressed to Mr. & Mrs 
> > followed by their last name.
> That's the Polish custom also, except... *Ladies first*... :)  It's, 
> always, "Mrs and Mr X"; never "Mr and Mrs X"... I didn't even realise 
> how equal women were in Poland until I came here :) Of course, the 
> equality was surface-deep.
> -- 
> Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
> Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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