Gentle Spiders,

At long last, I have come to the end of peddling my Two-Pair Inventions booklet. Only two copies are left, of which I'm keeping one as a souvenir. The other one I'd like to raffle off. Today seemed like a good day to announce the raffle, since it's my son's birthday (can my little boy really be 30???) and since we actually got snow last night, which has made the world look pretty and soft :)

You can see the photos of the 2-pair snowflakes on my website (URL in signature).

The terms are as usual: I will send it to anywhere in the world (though, if someone overseas wins it, it'll be surface mail), at no cost to the winner. If you're interested, please send me a *private* e-mail with "Snowflake raffle" in the subject line. I will get my husband to draw a name -- from as yet undetermined container -- on Tuesday, February 14 (Valentine's day) and announce the winner on Wednesday.

Good luck everyone,
Tamara P Duvall                  
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)
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