On Feb 28, 2007, at 5:03, Hazel Smith wrote:

By the way, folks, no need for too much complicated
maths on these conversions the easy way is that every
10 cms is about 4 inches (Yes, Brenda, I know it's not
exact but it's close enough for everyday purposes).

I grew up with the metric system, so, for me, the "translation" goes in the opposite direction: every foot is about 30cm (30.5, to be precise but, for everyday conversion, it really doesn't matter all that much). For practical purposes, a yard is one danged *short* meter :)

I'm struck at how many of us here are 5'2". I used to be 5foot, 2 *and a half* inches tall (reason enough to prefer metrics), though have no idea what I might be now that I'm in the shrinking mode (though my test for bone density, was -- grudgingly -- rated by the doc as very good. Grudgingly, because he doesn't approve of people who smoke, drink, shun exercise and visit a doctor once every 14 yrs <g>). I am *very nimble* at climbing shelves in stores, to reach the item I want; in some stores, the crew knows me and my habits, so, quite often, someone will follow me around and offer assistance :)

The answer to high tables and chairs is a footstool to rest your legs on, something I learnt only when my son reached his 6th year and started playing piano. It's good for circulation, too :)

I never thought the day would come when I'd stop envying men their ability to pee standing up behind any odd tree... But, midgety as I may be, I've never had any problem with bathrooms :)

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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