On May 9, 2007, at 22:55, David in Ballarat wrote:

The "Ugly Sister" has offered the ring to the Youngest sister "as a gift" - obviously feeling guilty.

May I ask why you put "as a gift" in quote marks, *as if it were not one*? If the ring had been hers and if she's giving it to your Youngest Sister, without getting any money for it... isn't it a GIFT, pure and simple?

[...] told her that if she's so desperate for funds, why doesn't she sell all the lace pieces I've made her over the years and I'll re-make whatever sells for her.

You figure that "made yesterday" (I know when you've started learning BL, and it'snot been all that long) lace is gonna fetch up as much as an engagement ring (probably gold and with a diamond in it) would? Even vintage and antique lace isn't bringing all that much, unless it's huge pieces...

I've instructed her to put "bobbin lace" in the title. So if you should see a piece of lace made by me up for auction on Ebay, you'll know the reason why

Out of curiosity... I know you don't design your own BL pieces, so all BL lace you've made is likely to have used someone else's pattern.... Do you think I'd be within my rights if I screamed bloody murder, copyright infringement and rotten ethics, if I saw a piece, made on my pattern, being sold? I wouldn't do it -- my patterns are *gifts* to lacemakers and my gifts have no strings attached -- but a lot of pattern books specifically forbid making lace for sale...

You've been quick to see the mote in you sister's eye, even past the beam in your own.
Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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