Well that was just downright weird! It kept changing as I would look at it. Thanks for sharing the link. I am going to forward it to my artsy friends. In other right/left brain tests I score around 70 - 75 % right brained. My husband on the other hand, scores 98% left brained. When I get him into one of my art projects it is amazing what he does with his 2% though.

By the way, being left or right handed has nothing to do with whether you are predominately left or right brained. There are many many wonderful artists who are right handed but are able to access the right side of their brain - the right side is the artsy side, the left side the logical side. If you are interested in the subject, Betty Edwards has written a couple of books on how to access the right side of the brain - "Drawing On The Right Side of the Brain" ( I and II editions) and "Drawing on the Artist Within".

Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun

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