I could only see it going clock wise, but did not agree with their lists.
I found more on the left brain list that fit me.
Maybe I am more like my daughter who as a child did not have a dominate side
in her brain, she is (and always was) definitely left handed.  Boy did she
have trouble in school!!


  Yikes....It keeps alternating on me.  First one way,
  then the other.  And back again.  Does that mean that
  my mind can't decide what it's doing????

  Alice in Oregon -- with 2-3 dry days before the next
  series of storms.

  --- Tamara P Duvall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

  > This popped up on on of the "lefty blogs" I read
  > (it's not serious
  > politics all the time, y'know <g>). Interesting...
  > From the way I see
  > the figure moving (and I ain't tellin' and spoiling
  > your own test), it
  > means I'm right-brain dominant. Not detail-oriented,
  > among other things
  > (though, apparently, more likely to "get it" <g>)...
  > Not detail
  > oriented??? I think I should quit making lace
  > forthwith :)
  > --


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