Today is annual change the batteries in your smoke alarms day.  Well it is
in my house at least.  My husband came up with the clever idea of
associating smoke alarms that prevent fire with bonfire night, which is
today, 5 November, in UK.  

Bonfire night is a fun event with bonfires and fireworks.  When I was a
child we had one big bonfire with all the neighbours who had kids. The dads
did the fireworks and bonfire, the mums provided food traditional to bonfire
night like toffee apples, parkin and potatoes roasted in the bonfire and the
kids made the guy to burn on the top of the bonfire.  The guy is a figure
made out of stuffed old clothes to represent Guy Fawkes, a Catholic who was
convicted of attempting to blow up the Houses of Parliament, but was
probably not the leader of the gunpowder plot. 

Instead of a somewhat gruesome commemoration of a rather ugly episode in
British history join me in turning the occasion to good use: please check
your smoke alarm batteries and change them if necessary.

Wishing safe celebrations for everyone

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