This gave me a chuckle! Our house, granted is a large one -- 18 rooms total, of which 14 are regular "living" rooms. There is an unfinished walk-up attic which houses the library annex, a reading area and a pipe organ. About a month ago I was inside the organ checking the compass springs on the partially-finished tracker windchest and discovered to my unpleasant surprise *mouse droppings* inside!

Of course, the garret is off-limits to felines, but there is no rodent food source up there, which means they would have to descend to the hunter's lair to forage; three of our six cats are skilled hunters! We had *a* mouse last fall, which Alexei (our Russian blue) was able to dispatch with greatest efficiency. What mouse in its right mind would take up residence in a house with six cats, one of whom in particular is a most ruthless mouser!?
Lancaster OH

Alice Howell wrote:
Had a true story to pass on.

Postnote -- DH reported that one of the mice was larger than the rest of them, 
so I have hopes that they caught the adult mouse and got rid of the whole 
bunch.  This is the first time in 35 years that we have had any mice.  None of 
our other cats ever had a chance to catch a mouse.

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