
I'm becoming increasingly frustrated with a perplexing health situation, and I'm hoping that our vast knowledge base might contribute something useful (as it so often does!).

For several months now, I've been dealing with chronic insomnia. It appears to have initially been brought about my colon stasis ("polite" way of saying I was plugged up for a while). That was dealt with, diet changed to be much healthier. My doc suspected my thyroid might be involved as well, and testing determined I'm mildly hypothyroid. So now I'm on medication - Armour Thyroid 30mg. After a couple of weeks, the doc re-checked TSH levels and saw that although they had gone down, he felt they hadn't gone down enough in those two weeks, so he increased the dosage to 60mg. Since then my insomnia has gotten worse (every other night I'm unable to fall asleep, even with sleeping pills).

I've just spent quite some time online searching medical forums about this, and have learned that too high a dosage can cause marked insomnia. A coworker of mine who also has hypothyroidism (for many, many years) said it takes time to lower TSH levels, one has to be patient. I'm also looking up info on hypothyroid friendly diets.

So I'm curious if anyone else has had similar experience to what I'm dealing with here. Any input/thoughts, etc are most welcome!

Thurlow Weed
Lancaster OH

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