At 03:39 AM 29/07/2009, Jean Nathan wrote:
I don't have a thyroid problem, but I have suffered from insomnia all my life. As a child my mother used ply me with warm milk,

Whenever we were ill as children, our mother gave us a real treat which always put us off to sleep. It was Granny's famous "Nutmeg drink".

It was only as an adult that I learned about the actual sedative qualities of nutmeg.

Take a tall glass of tepid milk (Mum always insisted that it MUST be tepid - too hot or cold and the nutmeg won't work - i.e. body temperature)
Stir in a teaspoon of sugar.
Then take one LEVEL teaspoon of powdered or ground nutmeg and stir it in briskly. Then drink it down as you go to bed. Nutmeg does not dissolve well but enough gets in. It's really yummy

Hope it helps
David in Ballarat - wide awake at 0400hrs!!!

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