I always found it a challenge(not sure if any of you have tried this.
Childhood past time for me) to gently grab the membrane that surrounds the
yoke and lift it up and off the white area.  Works most of the time unless
you get a bad egg.  The challenge is to do it so the yoke doesn't break. ;)

Mark, aka Tatman
website:  http://www.tat-man.net
blog:  http://tat-man.net/blog
Magic Thread Shop: http://www.tat-man.net/tatterville/tatshop/tatshop.html
Facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/TatmanBobbin

>From: Sue Babbs <sueba...@comcast.net>
>Fascinating! I bet I can break the yolk though!!
>The language in the video at the link below is Chinese. Ignore the
>and just watch the demonstration.
>Watch the simple and effective method of separating an egg yolk from the
>white. It is a simple and straight forward application of hydraulics.
>Watch here > http://bbs.wenxuecity.com/cooking/1160651.html

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