There are many re enactment groups in this country.   Many different times in
history and includes American, Roman, Tudor and any other time you can think
of.    It amazes me how much time and effort goes into researching to get
things right and so many times crafts come in as well. We had someone come and
demonstrate how a forge worked and allowed people to try their hand at it.
My husbands character was of a scot who had gone out to the americas on a
vessel and been left behind, so I ended up making the red and beige jacket,
kilt, knitted white socks and then 18 months into my lacemaking learning I
made him a jabot and cuffs to wear with the jacket.   We bought a pair of
trews which were worn more than the kilt (it can be very chilly even in August
at many of these events).   Although I spent more time in colonial type
costume with the lovely tight laced wool waistcoat which kept my back nicely
warm, he made me a couple of different leather fringed dresses, hand stitched
and beaded, sewed beads onto my moccies and also some leggins up to the knee
also beaded.   My possibles bag was made by him for me with a fabulous turtle
design on the front, cut away leather with felt showing through, plaited
leather around the shell part, beads, fringes with bells on the bottom so they
could tell whether i was in a hurry or not going about my business on the
field by the jingles I made, I heard someone say ‘here comes a woman on a
mission,’ LOL.   His bag had a bear paw on the front, almost his signature
for a while, beautiful work.   I was always stunned by his ideas and the end
product and able to offer suggestions sometimes.   I tried to make a dream
catcher once with a bear paw inside the lace to go in the centre of the ring,
its ok but not as good as i would have liked, but I was still a fairly new
lacemaker at the time, so i wont beat myself up about it. Another one had the
dragonfly from one of my patterns. It hung on my wall for a long time and I
hung it outside our tent at quite a few camps in the awning part.
We got into this via the American confederate and union balls and country
music venues we went to.  In my folder on Arachne (HURWITZEND) there is a
photo of us dancing in my lace ball gown and he in mountain man gear I think.
You see I have always been a lover of lace
Sue T

Seems odd to me that you in Britain are reenacting American history and over
here the SCA are doing reenactments loosely based on European history.  I
guess whatever appeals works.  Kind of like lace where we all have our own
favorite type of lace.

Janice Blair
Murrieta, CA, 60 miles north of San Diego

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