Recently one of my cats has disappeared at nap time.  I have a small house
with limited hidey-holes, so  I had a good look.
My rack of cookie pillows is in a corner near a heat register.  The back half
of the bottom pillow had a strange black mound -- yes, my cat.  The pillow is
well wrapped in a carry cloth so he can't bother anything on the pillow.  And
disappearing like that is driving the other cat nuts.
This extended very cold weather has both cats seeking out the warmest places
in the house -- usually in front of a heater or heat register.  Or on my lap
if I sit down.  I have to dump them off in order to make lace.  I just don't
have enough lap room to hold a cat or two, AND a lace pillow.
Our temperatures haven't been above freezing for 3 days now.  That's supposed
to break starting tomorrow, and by Wednesday we're supposed to be above 50F
with heavy rain.  We'll go from snow and ice to floods.  The past month has
seen four snow storms, plus rain  or freezing rain in between.  I haven't
seen weather like this for decades.  I've spent a lot of days confined
indoors, and can see progress on my lace project.  There's lots to do in my
house to keep busy when snowed-in, but I really look forward to spring with
warmer weather and more daylight.
Alice in Oregon

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