Dear Arachnians,
For those of you who want/need Gutermann´s Silk!
I have fallen for Sandy Woods´ book Special Effects in Bobbin Lace and the lace she 
has made there. As I wanted to have a go, I began to chase after Gutermann´s Silk in 
the nearest  haberdasher´s shop. To be told: " We are discontinueing this line of 
thread as nobody buys them any more. Everybody prefers the polyester thread today!" I 
was allowed to go through their remaining stock, found but a few usefull shades listed 
in the book. I want to start from the very beginning of the book, so I am rather 
frustrated att the moment. Do you have any trouble getting the silk, any of you? 
One shopkeeper told me Gutermann´s had started a new line of silk, with less shades 
and more on the spols, 100 meters instead of 50 meters. 
I had hoped I could get the thread in Sweden instead of having to send for it from 
abroad. I do know of Pipers Silk, have even got some silk when visiting the factory a 
loooong time ago. But it is not the right shade nor enough for the job I attempt to do.
I just want to give you all a warning that it could perhaps be difficult to find all 
the thread that is needed.
Have a lovely summer with lots of lacemaking time!
Ewa from the very South of Sweden.   

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