
I post infrequently (or not at all!) these days... but finally I found something to say.

Thursday night, on arriving home from work, my husband raced into the house shouting "Mimi, come quick, you have to listen to this!"

In mystification I followed him downstairs, and found him clutching his book-on-tape box of Don Quixote Part II, and waving one of the cassettes. He plugged the cassette into the player, and out came this quote:

"What! can it be that a young hussy that hardly knows how to handle a dozen lace-bobbins dares to wag her tongue and criticise the histories of knights-errant?"

(Chapter 6)

So of course I had to download the book and search for more references. I found 2 others:

"Oh, but that lady did well who, they say, had at the end of her reception room a couple of figures of duennas with spectacles and lace-cushions, as if at work, and those statues served quite as well to give an air of propriety to the room as if they had been real duennas."

(Chapter 48)

He replied, "Senora, let me tell your ladyship that this damsel's ailment comes entirely of idleness, and the cure for it is honest and constant employment. She herself has told me that lace is worn in hell; and as she must know how to make it, let it never be out of her hands; for when she is occupied in shifting the bobbins to and fro, the image or images of what she loves will not shift to and fro in her thoughts; this is the truth, this is my opinion, and this is my advice."
"And mine," added Sancho; "for I never in all my life saw a lace-maker that died for love; when damsels are at work their minds are more set on finishing their tasks than on thinking of their loves. I speak from my own experience; for when I'm digging I never think of my old woman; I mean my Teresa Panza, whom I love better than my own eyelids." "You say well, Sancho," said the duchess, "and I will take care that my Altisidora employs herself henceforward in needlework of some sort; for she is extremely expert at it."

(Chapter 70)

Bye for now
Who has actually made bobbin lace this month... I've found that Flanders grid is big enough for me to see at night with my tired eyes after a hard day's work -
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