On Friday, August 8, 2003, at 03:47 PM, Heather wrote:

Does anyone know of a good source for hankie blanks, preferably
linen, and ideally in Canada? Shipping from anywhere else, and exchange is
starting to prove expensive, but I might have to cave on the Canadian angle.

The lace isnt finished yet, so I can be easy on size, although it is for a
chistening bonne/hankie. Pre hemstitched would be ideal for my sad sewing
skills, but I've faked it before, I can fake it again.

No! Please don't use a pre-hemmed hankie, especially if your lace is shaped with corners. With the exception of a yardage lace with gathered corners the rule is Always make the fabric fit the lace and not the other way around. Two reasons for this.

1, Pre-hemmed hankies are nearly always out of square and/or rectangular.

2, The chances of getting a full number of repeats in your lace to *exactly*
 the same length as the hankie edge is very small.

Very briefly; you position your lace over the fabric, pin and baste into place. Pull out (withdraw) a thread from the fabric immediately under two adjacent foot edges and stitch the lace to the fabric using the withdrawn threads as a guide. Then withdraw two more threads along the other two sides, reposition the lace if necessary and complete the attachment of the lace. Then trim the fabric as necessary and work a small hem.

Sorry I can't help with Canadian sourcing, but you should be looking at yardage fabric or maybe a good quality man's hankie which you can cut down.


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