Do you know the date of the copyright and whether it was copyrighted by Bean
or Buck. Is Buck dead?

Another little wrinkle I stumbled across this morning while taking a look at the Australian copyright legislation (yes, Miss Channer's mat is copyright-free in both Australian and Canada):

The Australian legislation specifically states that the copyright flows with the creator, *even if the creator is not the copyright holder*. So if Ruth Bean were in Australia, Bean's copyright would go to 50 years after Anne Buck's death. Interesting.

Of course, as has been mentioned, in the Case of the Ruth Bean Version, they only have a copyright on the version of the mat and the pricking that was created by Anne Buck, not on the original mat. Therefore David's version and the pricking that he made himself are completely free of the Ruth Bean Controversy. The mat is copyright free in Oz so there is nothing to stop him publishing it if he wants to.

(By the way, the Australian and Canadian legislation is that copyright ends 50 years after the end of the year in which the creator died, so The Mat was copyright-free at the beginning of 2000)

North Vancouver, BC
(west coast of Canada)

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