In an email dated Tue, 30 Sep 2003 9:57:57 pm GMT, Janice Blair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

>Heather wrote:
>Having found lacemaking in the last nine years (bought a Dryad kit in
>1994 by mail order), finding IOLI and local lace groups, Arachne and
>conventions, I was of the opinion that lacemaking was growing, at least
>here in the states.  <snipped>
I think that the support for lace making is growing - especially the number of people 
on Arachne - when I first got on the internet it was back in 1996 and there were very 
few people who weren't just geeks.  With access to the internet growing (just look at 
the number of ebay users and their diversity) we are finding it easier to keep in 
touch and personally feel that this is going to be the key to the initial survival of 
lacemaking - accessibility


Liz Beecher
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what it's all about

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