On Feb 24, 2004, at 7:59, Clay Blackwell wrote:

At Guild last night, two of our new members reported that they had tried to find copies of Cook's "Practical Skills in Bobbin Lace" and after several unsuccessful attempts, learned that the book is out of print! Can this be true!?

I didn't think so, because

Of all our books, this is one which every lacemaker should own, and which should never be allowed to go out of print. How sad if it has...

For a while, it must have been popular enough for Dover (its American publisher; paperback) to reprint it every few years (though, every time, with a slightly higher sticker price <g>) I myself have a second copy (more expensive than the first), which I'd bought some years ago, in anticiption of the first one being "read to death". But a look through:

http://store.doverpublications.com/by-subject-crafts-knitting-- crocheting--tatting--lace-making.html

confirms its disappearance from the list of books available.

Perhaps, a note (many notes? <g>) to Dover would be beneficial? They -- like Batsford (the original publisher, in UK) -- claim to be open to suggestions; perhaps they'd be willing to prove it? It wouldn't be just "sad" if the book went out of print; it would be disastrous. I often refer to it as "*The* Cook Book", and it has been my "lacemaking Bible" from year one.

Loehr's "400 Tricks" is all very well and good, but it's not available in English. Besides which, although it has some things that "The Cook Book" doesn't have, it also doesn't have some things which "The Cook Book" *does* have; the two ought to be used in tandem. BTW, "The Cook Book" is/was available in German, while 400tricks never reciprocated with an English version; I find it really disgusting <g>, as my knowledge of German is extremely limited... :)

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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