At 09:44 AM 4/5/04 -0400, Panza, Robin wrote:

>I've never heard any forbidding edict against embroidery floss.  Just a
>number of people who pointed out how hard it is to get BL-length single
>plies out of that 6-ply skein.  

Has embroidery floss changed?  In the fifties, I couldn't buy baby-pink
bedspread cotton to make booties, so I pulled a single ply out of a skein of
embroidery floss and crocheted that along with white bedspread cotton.  (And
no, the "grandma" threads are nothing like the cheap, fuzzy, *soft*
bedspread cotton I used to buy at the dime store.)  

I just pulled one of the threads, and the entire skein coiled up on it, then
the coil dropped off and unwound, ready to straighten out and pull out
another thread.  

(Getting one strand out of three-strand Persian wool to knit socks, on the
other hand . . . )

The embroidery floss I used then wouldn't stand up to any wear at all, so I
haven't separated embroidery floss lately.    

Joy Beeson
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.

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