Mary wrote:
> <But, if I place them straight up and down, my lace kind
of climbs up the
> pins.>

And Jean responded:

> What type of pillow are you using? I can't get on with the
> mushroom ones recommended for beginners at all.

I have found that the domed pillows work fine for straight
pieces which are fairly short, like bookmarks, and for small
motif-type lace.  But the larger the piece, the more the
dome distorts things.

As for the "levitating lace" problem, remember that while
your pins inside the piece need to be straight, you should
put your headside and footside pins in at an angle, leaning
out.  This will insure that your lace is "locked" down on
the edges, and the problem of levitating lace between the
edges will be mostly eliminated, except for the largest


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