Hello Lovely Spiders,

Weeeeeeeelllll, being new, I'm totally confused about how to refer to "tapes" and "braides". I'm learning from various books, some have already been mentioned. The Bruges book calls them one thing, the Milanese book calls them something else. Then throw the different countires into the mix, and well, chaos reigns!

What I concluded was that those terms are just as confusing as the various terminologies from lace type to lace type on almost everything from what constitutes a whole stitch to the open or closed method to what that tape/braid thing is called. It was hard just accepting that a braid didn't, in the lace world, refer to what one does with ones hair!

Aaaaaaaaaaaah, the mind of a newby is empty and ready for anything! The uncarved block!

I like the idea of calling the patterned "ones" braids, and the cloth stitch "ones" tapes. Oh, and those really skinny "ones" I think of as plaits. Me, too Tamara - playts. Is that a Yankee thing?

I'm anxiously awaiting enlightenment here. GBG


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