Tamara wrote

"As far as I'm concerned, only two laces "belong" in that group:
Milanese and Chrysanthemum. And, of the 2, Chrysanthemum is "iffy", "on
the fence", as it were, since it uses only one decorated braid (and
that not always) and makes its (simple) fillings "on the go"..."

I have heard and read about lots of different types of lace and since I have
been on this list I have discovered many more, but Chrysanthemum? This is
totally new to me and it's no good me googling as I will only end up
spending hours on gardening sites:-)

I am curous to learn more about this lace Tamara, why is it call
Chrysanthemum, or is that the obvious duh! question?  Are there any websites
available that show pictures that you could point me towards?


Jane Bawn
Portchester UK

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