On May 4, 2004, at 15:42, Alice Howell wrote (in response to SueW from Morrisonville, NY):

Perhaps someone who has taken this class before can give you more specific information. I have no idea exactly what these butterflies are like. Sounds interesting.

I haven't taken the class, and haven't even *seen* the butterflies, but... I am a great admirer of Loehr and an avid collector of her books. I've taken a class from her (in "modified" Binche, aka "Snowflake Quilt" <g>) and took a couple of peeks at another (Chantilly, in Ithaca, in '97 or '98). Whatever else the butterflies *are*, I can guarantee they're not going to be *easy* :) Loehr *starts* with an age-old technique, then puts it through its paces so fast, you barely have the time to breathe, even if you think you know that technique backwards; Alice being dragged by the Red Queen comes to mind most forcibly :)

Sue, do yourself a favour... If you have to ask what Point Ground lace *is*, then this class is going to be nothing but frustration for you, from start to end. *Much better* to take Holly's "Beginning and Continuing Bucks" as your introduction to this technque. *Once* you've seen samples of it on Lori-the-Lace-Fairy's or on Lorelei Halley's websites and decided you like the lace in the first place -- not everyone does.

I've taken a total of 8 workshops in the 15 yrs of my lacemaking "career". Of the first 4, 3 were total disasters, and the fourth only marginally less so. Even though it was my own fault -- for choosing a workshop which was wrong *for me*, at the particular stage of my personal development -- I still felt resentful to the point where I nearly gave up having any formal teaching at all. I'd not wish that experience on anyone else.

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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