My congratulations to the winners also - fabulous lace!

I emailed arachne on friday and the message seems not to have gone through.
Perhaps its just as well as I was rather upset and it probably sounded

>I know there were lots of entries this time,
There were 266 entries in the competition  - about 80 of them have not been

Is there anyone else on Arachne who's work failed to make the exhibition?
You'll know because you will have received a letter telling you.

Has anyone heard how the work was chosen for display? Or rather why
particular pieces were rejected? Weren't they good enough? Didn't fit the
theme? Too big/too small/wrong size?  Was it on the basis of the Judges
opinion? Or was it done by a Committee? The letter I received offered no
information about why my work had been rejected.

I've had work in the Lace Guild Exhibitions on and off since the early
'80's and I've never heard of lace being rejected before, so the letter
came as a real shock. For comparison, over 260 pieces were entered in the
1993 John Bull Competition, Lace and Nature.

>and I believe the ones that
>couldn't be displayed will be on show at The Hollies from mid July.
Jane (Partridge) is correct  - according to the letter the work is being
put into storage at the Museum until it can be returned to The Hollies for
display from 16 July. Although this fact has not previously been advertised
so I don't know who they expect to visit.

After so much work it is such a disappointment. Those visiting the museum
please take time to look at the photo album. It represents one third of the
exhibition entry.


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