In a message dated 07/19/2004 5:35:43 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

<<.....saw dust that comes from treated wood for decks, for 
 instance, from that that comes from untreated wood. The treatment to the 
 makes the saw dust cancer causing >>

Hello all, 

If the wood referenced in Devon's message above is the so-called 
"pressure-treated" (usually pine) wood used in decks, picnic tables, etc., the problem 
arsenic.  I don't know about cancer, but it is certainly a poison and you 
wouldn't want to use sawdust from such wood.  Simon Toustou's lovely pillows (I 
have both a cookie & a roller pillow of his) are filled with sawdust I am told, 
and are covered in velvet.  I have never seen any evidence of dust emanating 
from either of them.  I suspect he uses the sawdust he generates himself and 
his pieces are usually of cherry, walnut, oak, etc.  I wonder....has anyone else 
who owns his pillows had any "dusty" experiences?  

Vicki in Maryland where we are experiencing our usual "hazy, hot & humid" 
summer days with "possible showers" promised nearly every day (and our poor lawn 
wishes they would happen!)     

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