Thanks very much for all the notes and suggestions about working 
hands-up.  I've had a go (I had already looked at the picture on Jo 
Annette wrote:
>...I tried tilting up my cookie pillow as in the picture), and it's not 
as good as I thought it might be.  I have what is called diffuse RSI, 
which means not that there is any obvious damage to tendons or 
ligaments, but that my nerves now seem to over-react to what I do with 
my hands and forearms, and signal pain where it probably isn't 
warranted.  So what I'm finding is that hands-up requires more muscle 
movement in my forearms, to hold the bobbins and twist and cross them in 
my hands, and also to keep pinning, so it may be more of a strain than 
hands-down.  But I may be able to work out a method of handling the 
bobbins that suits my hands - a kind of combination of both methods.  I 
was so concerned with doing it right it didn't really occur to me I 
could do anything that works for me.  So thanks for all the suggestions 
and tips - I now know what the possibilities are.

Perhaps what you need, Annette, is thicker bobbins. I have a lot of thin
midlands, and I am starting to find them difficult to grab, I also have
RSI in my wrists. I've had square continentals made for me, and I find
them more and more comfortable to use instead, as they are easier to grab.
I also tend to grab my midlands by the spangle, although I know it's
frowned upon...

Helene, the froggy from Melbourne

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