I thin I just whant to write a little story about diagrams, from here in
Once upon at the  time when there where no working diagrams, new lacers
(Children) learned from older lacers. They started with narrow (tonder)
blondes, and moved to wider with the time, some got stuck with the same
pattern a life time long, so that pattern mostly got the lacers name. If
they laced the  same pattern all the time, they knew it and could earn more,
and when they got older and didn't see well they could remember it and still
do some work. This is off course not generallased for all of the 12.ooo
lacers, that lived around Tonder in a cirkel of a diameter of 40 km.at that
time when lacemaking was on it's highest productive time. When the english
evented lace machines, which offcourse was the dead for handmade lace. A
woman in around Tonder area started to collect prickings, so it didn't come
in germans hands and ended up in Flensburg ore Berlin, and saved them, At
that time, until l920, that area was German.
When Karen Trend Nissen started to learn to lace, the teacher told her to
wind her bobbins and bring the pillow, the teacher took it home and made the
first ?, so she has this to look after. K.T.N liked the idear whit the
colourd working diagram that was invented by a belgium ore dutch woman,
can't rember, And many of the saved prickings and lace was reconstructed,
Also K.T.N told us a story when she once visited that old lacer, who wern't
to kind of working diagrams, they had some discusions wether ore not colour
working diagrams, thare again the lacer had a grandchild sitting doing lace,
She told K:T:N. if she knew how the little heart came to DK. A lacer outside
the area, mayby from a other country was given a pricking, winded her
bobbins and started to lace, but it was not that lace that usualy was laced
on this pricking. But the pricking could be used to both off the laces. And
Karen said, that wouldn't had happened if there had been a diagram.
The point is that The diagrams also is a saving to a time where there is
hardly no one to lace, and someone redescover it, can to and se what the
colours mean and make the prickings, and lace it. It is to save the original
kind of lace that is done all over, to save the countries speciallity way of
making lace, etc. This way we can see the differene exampel Bucks point and
But off course there is a possebility to make variations, and use other
stitches. The old are now saved to the future.
All the lace and the area has the caracter therefor Chantily is made the
with the stitches in way it is showed in the diagram, else it ain't
There is a lot of gaps in the story, and the Tonder lace diagrams has
original more colours then the 4 we use now.
If the is more you whant to know ore cant understand please ask.
no affense, some like diagrams some not, but it is a lot off help if you are
doing lace from another country and can't understand the languise. Mick
Fouriscot make some buitiful books, and have so detailed colour diagrams
that I don't have to speak/read Frence.
Dorte, from a sunny, cloudy,rainy Denmark the wether can't decide

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