In a message dated 8/29/2004 5:36:22 AM Eastern Standard Time,  

The nice  people at Ruth Bean explained clearly that whilst there was no 
chance of  them reprinting it at this time it was still illegal to copy it 
because there was no chance of buying it.

Yes, this seems terribly  hard but it's the current law.

According to the Copyright Handbook by Stephen Fishman, with deals with US  
Copyright law: 
Fair use of out of print works
The drafters of the Copyright Act and the Supreme Court have suggested that  
a user may have more justification for reproducing a work without permission 
if  it is out of print and unavailable for purchase through normal channels. 
(Harper  & Row v. Nation Enterprises, 471 U.S. 539 (1985).) Thus, most courts 
give  users more leeway when they quote from or photocopy out-of-print works. 
But this  does not mean that any amount of material from out-of-print works may 
be used  without permission.

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