Joan, a lurker wrote:
Lace today could be used beautifully for trim if you want to wear
it.  Think about just trimming a pocket edge on a stunning white blouse, a
collar  on the same under a nice black pant suit or a lovely lace trim hanky
stuffed  in the pocket of the suit, not just the breast pocket but the one at
the hip.  It doesn't have to be a necklace or cuff. It could be a pretty trim
on an  apron you wear for special occasion while serving at the local church
supper.  These are ways that I would wear lace.
I have been thinking about this email for a while and biting my tongue  beca
use I don't want to discourage a lurker from contributing to the list.
However, much as there is room for conservative philosophies and radical  
philosophies in politics, I think there is room for both voices in lace. Joan  
represents a traditional viewpoint and one perhaps shared by a majority of the  
list. But, I am declaring myself among the most radical of lace thinkers, the  
Weather Underground of lace.  I say "Down with Trim!"  I think trim is  the 
problem. As long as lace is thought of as trim it is not taken seriously. It  
has to be front and center, the main event, not trimming the main event. The  
identification of lace with trim is its biggest handicap to being taken  
I don't think the International Art World nor the Jet Set is going to  become 
enthralled with trim. As Avital points out, they won't even recognize it  as 
Not only that, but the use of hand made lace as trim presents problems  in 
laundering. I do not see any sign that people of the future are going to want  
to do much fussy laundering. I am not planning to spend the 21st century 
pinning  out the lace on aprons and handkerchiefs. I would rather see it framed 
lying in a jewelry box or receiving kudos at international exhibitions.
I know the IOLI is interested in having study groups, but are they ready  for 
a radical cell, the Anti-trim League? If so, I will begin to write our  
Anti-Trim Manifesto.

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