On Jan 23, 2005, at 3:50, Jean Barrett wrote:

Congratulations on the new braid, I hope it does turn out as a new one,

I still can't find one like it in the two books... Though, naturally, I've not yet looked *real hard* :) If it does turn out to be a new one, it'll be 5th? 6th? One day I may have enough to publish a "Toolbox addendum" <g>

it's always exciting when a 'mistake' turns out not bad at all.

It wasn't even a real mistake... I did understand how to make the Crossover 1, but it wasn't precisely the look I was aiming at, so I kept on fiddling

Have you also checked in Rudmilla Zuman's book which was published in Prague last summer. She had some new braids.

Haven't; did not buy the book... As far as I'm concerned, Radmilla's designs are like Sandi Woods' ones - unique, and should stay that way. And, unlike Sandi's Radmilla's designs are too "spiky" for my taste - too many sharp angles and not enough curves - so, although I buy all Sandi's books (for drool factor), I didn't buy Radmilla's.

It's the same old, same old dilemma... :) The artist who refuses to "prostitute" her/his art for the "common consumption", and the "common consumer" who doesn't know about art, but knows what he/she likes, and votes with the wallet... :)

I'm not surprised Radmilla has come up with new braids; it would take a mathematician (and I'm not one of them) to figure out in how many ways one can manipulate 10-20 pairs of bobbins, but my guess would be "from here to eternity" :) Like Torchon patterns...

You have, now, made me sorry I didn't buy the book - some of hers and some of mine might overlap, which would skim some of the bubbles off my own pleasure in "new! "just invented!" braids. But that's life :)

Yours, in still-white and still-frozen Lextropolis
Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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