First of all thank you very much to all who have replied to my question.

I have noticed that one thing is clear:
CTC worldwide means "clothstitch" and CT worldwide means "halfstitch" and everybody understand the same.
Areas worked entirely in clothstitch I understand as "linenstitch". Probably this is not worldwide understood in this way.

Really the controversial word is "wholestitch". And I am going to add fuel to fire.
I think the word has lost its proper meaning, as in my humble opinion it should have to be equivalent to "clothstitch".
While clothstitch is making reference to its appearance similar to cloth, the word "wholestitch" is making reference to the "way of working it".

So, I think that the meaning of the word "wholestitch" should not be exactly "the double of halfstitch", only another reading on the basis of CTC, and considering "halfstitch" CT as a "non closed clothstitch".

I hope my thoughts do not confuse the matter too much.

In my first book of Witch Stitch Lace, I used the word "clothstitch" CTC everywhere, so I shall continue using it, defining the stitches and leaving aside the word "wholestitch".

Best regards.

Carolina. Barcelona. Spain.


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