and several other Torchon patterns on the same site show split cloth stitch
Te pictures are vague. I tried to immitate them as shown on
It looks like happy a mutant. Can somebody tell or show me how to do these?
Another attempt made te top and bottom to disjunct. So I'm puzzled.

Jo Falkink

Hello all,
Jo I think that there are made as it were "spiders" figuratively speaking. I mean that you prepare torchon ground all around the top of the quadrant, then take 2 central pairs and cross them, these 2 pairs have become now weavers. Each one works to right and left respectively; take in one pair from the ground, pin and come back to the middle, then I THINK THERE IS NO PIN, is just a turning stitch; repeat until arriving to the wider part of the quadrant, then leave each row a pair until the end.
It is very resumed, but I hope you can understand me the main idea.
Anyway, tell us the results please!

Carolina. Barcelona. Spain.


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