At 10:36 AM 4/4/2005, you wrote:
But - I am still of the opinion that it is the winding of the bobbins that
is at fault!   I don't like my students to use a bobbin-winder until they
can wind their bobbins neatly and properly by hand -

We had a discussion about bobbin winding a year or so ago. It brought out a point that should be reviewed. I agree with the 'properly' above, but the 'neatly' may be questionable.

We were informed by one knowledgable lacemaker that bobbins, especially ones that are to be hitched on the thread area, should not be wound in neat rows like on the spools of thread in your sewing store -- with the threads lined up neatly side by side all down the spool. A neat row on top of another neat row leaves lots of chasms for the hitch to side into -- even all the way down to the spindle.

The thread should be wound in a spiral manner up and down the spindle so that each layer crosses the previous layer at an angle. The criss-cross of angles prevents the hitch from falling into a thread chasm. It can only go down one layer and it stops. ( I have to admit that I make the first layer a neat side-by-side layer that makes a firm foundation on the bobbin spindle, then the rest of the layers are zigzagged with a spacing of 3-4 cms between threads.

But the
bobbins of the lady in question - quite apart from the threads being of
different lengths - are not always wound awfully neatly!........ Maybe I
ought to let her use the 'class bobbin winder' and see if it does in fact
make a difference.

Using the bobbin winder to hold the bobbin, and just have to guide the thread on to the bobbin might be what she needs. Some fingers just don't work as well as others in activities like hand winding bobbins. It may be easier for her to wind bobbins consistently with a mechanical aid.

Alice in Oregon -- with continuing damp weather, and I'm doing my first 'het lassen' overlapping lace attachment. Wish me luck.

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