This morning I took DH to the local hospital for his first colonoscopy.  I 
remember when I had one a number of years ago that I was out of it for quite a 
while in recovery so I took a book, and a bag with knitting and a lace pillow 
with me.
Once I left him I set out with the pager they gave me and had a coffee and read 
my book.  I had, after all been up since 5:00 am and at the hospital by 7:30 
am.  Once I drank the coffee I went out to the car to retrieve my lace bag.  
The pager went off as soon as my hand hit the car door.  Still, I thought he 
will take ages to come around so I carted the bag up to his room.  He was 
sitting up looking a little dazed but otherwise okay.  As it was quiet I got 
out my pillow and worked on a simple cross that I designed.  His recovery nurse 
came in and was fascinated with what I was doing.  She brought in another 
nurse, who in turn brought in one more.  As I worked there I had a procession 
of nurses in the room, all interested with the lace.  The only person who 
showed no interest was his doctor who came in and declared there were no polyps 
and no problems so once they were satisfied I could to drive him home.  Whilst 
I was explaining what I was doing to the various nurses, he was
 talking about my designs and prize winning pieces to anyone who would listen. 
:-)  I wonder if I can count that hour or so as demo hours for my guild?  It 
was not advertised to the public but the word of mouth got around the hospital 
and nurses were coming from surgery to have a look.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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