On May 28, 2005, at 19:22, Alice Howell wrote:

If the beads are authentic to the bobbins, then they may have some age.

Not necessarily. Or, perhaps, I should restate... Anything that's (potentially) younger than I am (55.5) seems "young" to me. And a friend of mine brought - from Greece - a "pectoral necklace" (a large cross, attatched to a triple-strand of the neck piece, all beads strung on leather, shoe-lace-like strings) 30 yrs ago. The beads on it were identical to the ones shown on the "brown bobbin" (with the exception of the two smallest ones, closest to the bobbin).

http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll? ViewItem&category=19158&item=8194019380&rd=1

'dentical same colours, same irregularity as to size, could've come off my necklace... And maybe it had :)

I wasn't about to wear the necklace, so, when I started learning lacemaking and carving my own bobbins 16yrs ago, I asked the donor's permission to disassemble and cannibalise it for spangles (I started with Midlands, not knowing there were other types). Since he's no more religious than I am, he told me to go ahead and I did. All of the bobbins I spangled with those beads have left my house long ago, as "loaners" (never came back <g>), or as outright gifts to Arachne novices. But I still have some of the beads left; mostly the blue ones, but a few "lime-green" and "yellow-green" and "greyish-white" ones are left.

The necklace, BTW, was *new* in 1975, as were all the beads and the work; he was a friend, not a besotted idiot :)

Alice in Oregon -- where I just bought a bunch of new bobbins and now have to find some place to store them until they are needed. Does anyone every reach the point where they have 'enough' and quit buying?

Me :) It was *very* upsetting to have to tell my supplier that, in all likelihood, "this" order was my last but, in the 2-3 yrs since, I've never had to use *all* my bobbins at once. All of my *favourite ones*, maybe, if I have more than 2 projects going simultaneously. But not all of the bobbins of the same kind (never mind all the bobbins I still own which are not made to the same pattern)... Sigh... I'm disgusted with myself for having been so greedy...

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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