A green card is not required for visiting the States.  A green card is 
necessary if you intend to live here.  You can apply for a visa to work in the 
US.  When arriving at an airport the immigration officer usually asks "Business 
or Pleasure".  Surely the answer for a lace teacher is "Pleasure" as I am sure 
they enjoy doing it.:-)  What have teachers done in the past?  Maybe we can 
hear from some of those that have taught overseas, of course, coming over as a 
vendor might make a different answer.
Sue wrote:
<One of my friends hadn't bought much when visiting her family and the customs 
claimed that she must be cheating on her form as the amount she had declared 
could not be everything she had bought!>
Lets face it, we are no longer spending vast sums in Europe as the exchange 
rate is so rotten.  On our return from France last month I added up what we had 
spent and got to $50 on things bought to bring home, not counting the chocolate 
we had bought on the plane.  The $50 included what was in our luggage which was 
still in France!  DH and I had to really think hard of what we had bought to 
get to that sum, as we did not have time to buy anything in the duty free shops 
in London due to being delayed from France by the go-slow with the security 
guys.  It might have been a little more if I could have had time to shop for my 
favorite UK candies.  Maybe I will make up for it when I get to London next 
weekend. :-)  Any spare time will probably be at the V&A unless anyone knows of 
anything lacey in London from June 25 to June 28.


Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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